In college dating a highschool girl

If she's over 18 she is a consenting adult (assuming you are having sex) and she's old enough to be making her own decisions. If she is not.
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Guys date younger girls because they are naive, and easy to manipulate.

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  • Do you think dating a high school girl is wrong?.

Get a girl you own age and don't be desperate. I'm not desperate, and there are plenty of really nice girls that are young. Just because your in a different stage in life doesn't drop the fact that you may like someone. All these people are so damn judgmental about people as a whole and don't realize individuals feelings.

Remember in high school those girls dating guys that were in college or around that age

In my opinion I really don't think age matters, it's all about the maturity level of a person and the love they share. Just cause "guys" date young girls doesn't generalize a specific person. It's no difrent thn judgin gays. Age matter when you are an adult man dating an underage CHILD so don't even put gays in the same sentence.

My friends brother is dating a girl in high school and he is in his second year or college and a lot of people judge him which is why I asked this question. He can't get girls his own age?

Most Helpful Girl

May I remind you that 18 counts as "Adult" to the law, and if that person is dating someone that is 17, then they're dating an underage child. Nothing changed just because they were labeled a year older. Why the sod is someone pathetic for dating someone younger than them as opposed to someone their age?

Pardon me, but that's merely stupid. If I have to choose between two girls where one is a few years younger than me but seems to have practically the same brain as me and I can relate to on so many more things than anyone else, and the other is my age and reminds me of her but also constantly reminds me of a girl that I had a toxic relationship with, you're suggesting I should go with the one that's my age, simply because she's my age.

That's one of the dumbest reasons to choose someone. Even if I wouldn't get to see her much, I rather choose the younger one simply because I level with her and relate to her so much more. People cling to that saying for all the wrong or unknown reasons.

Dating a high school girl while in college : relationship_advice

The simple answer is, you're in separate stages of your lives which puts you on different levels. Girls don't mature any faster if they don't experience things that also mature boys. You had more of these life experiences, while a high school girl has much different priorities and things going on in her life. Do what you want, but just don't be surprised if you're on separate pages and don't click like you thought you would.

I don't know if I agree with the commonly accepted "girls mature faster then boys" line. I think they mature differently. A teenage girls wants and desires may align better with a fully grown adults but her mental facilities and ways of coping do not. I wouldn't date a girl in high school, but for someone else I wouldn't outright condemn it.

It really depends on the older person and their personality. The high school girl is going to be highly susceptible to pressure and that would give the older more experienced man more control. Control he can use in a negative way if he so chooses. For me, it really comes down to the older mans maturity, not the younger girls. It's funny how things change with age. I'm dating a girl whose 35 and I view the pressure of damage avoidance to be my responsibility despite being the younger one. In your situation I view the responsibility to be on the older guy.

I'm thinking to myself That's a new train of thought for me. The girls that date older guys tend to be LESS mature than their peers who date guys the same age. Older guys pick girls like this because they are impressionable and easy to manipulate. It's not wrong, just inadvisable, since high school is closely associated with childhood.

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  8. I would say 18, post graduation, is the ideal age for girls to date older guys. I see you mentioned in another answer that the rules of society are changing. They are indeed, but by that I mean acceptable age gaps are closing. Men are expected to date someone very close to their own age, or go the cougar route.

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    But a prime example is a man in his thirties dating a woman in her twenties is becoming a big no-no. Girls in high school are on a very different life and social situation. Making the jump from high school to college or high school to work force is HUGE. Part of the maturity factor you are asking about is due to those life changes.

    A girl in high school, living with her parents, having dinner with her parents, and having her parents check if she is doing her homework is NOT in the same maturity, responsibility and freedom level as afterward. Yes, they may appear more mature, but that is because they act mature, not because they are really as mature as they want to appear.

    No suggestions for violence, or suicide. These will result in banning, whether you're joking or not. Blanket statements about a group "All men are X", "All women do Y" are not allowed. If you or someone you know is involved in an abusive relationship or would like information on warning signs to watch out for, check out The Red Flag Campaign.

    Dear Abby: Should college girl date high school boy?

    Dating a high school girl while in college Dating a high school girl while in college self. So I met this girl at a concert and hit it off with her right from the start. The problem is I'm in college and she's in high school, about 3 years age difference. She only lives an hour away and comes over every weekend. Can't say I've ever gotten along with a girl so well.

    She's smart, pretty, funny, and interesting.

    Am I doing the wrong thing by not cutting it off right away. She seems more mature than some of the girls I meet in college and is really into me, but it could all be hormones and the whole older guy advantage thing. Will I be thought of as taking advantage of her? You guys have given great advice in the past, help me out please. Any thoughts are welcome. If she's over 18 she is a consenting adult assuming you are having sex and she's old enough to be making her own decisions. Assuming she is 18, go for it. You have a right to date who you want and it's tough to find someone you really click with.

    You will get some heat from people around you but if you're intentions are good, then the truth will always come out in time. Don't worry, have fun! Maturity is the most important thing but tread carefully. I was a 16 year old high school girl in a very similar situation with a 20 year old and we were together for 5 years. It can be challenging though, my parents had issue with the relationship in the beginning and since he could legally drink and I couldn't it made going out difficult.

    We had great relationship and honestly the most amicable breakup I could ever imagine.