Dating and relationships tips

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Even healthy relationships can use a boost now and then. You may need a boost if you feel disconnected from your partner or like the relationship has gotten stale. If so, find a fun, simple activity you both enjoy, like going on a walk, and talk about the reasons why you want to be in the relationship. Then, keep using healthy behaviors as you continue dating. Try going out with the people you love and care about the most — watch movies together, go out to eat, take a day off from your busy life and just enjoy being you!

If it helps, also talk about your feelings about the relationships in your life. If you just want them to listen, start by telling them that. Then ask what makes relationships good and what makes them bad? Along the way, if you need advice, feel free to contact us. Relationships that are not healthy are based on power and control, not equality and respect.

In the early stages of an abusive relationship, you may not think the unhealthy behaviors are a big deal.

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However, possessiveness, insults, jealous accusations, yelling, humiliation, pulling hair, pushing or other abusive behaviors, are — at their root — exertions of power and control. Remember that abuse is always a choice and you deserve to be respected. There is no excuse for abuse of any kind.

Consider these points as you move forward:.

Ask a Guy (Dating Tips / Relationship Advice for Women): Frequently Asked Questions

Even though you cannot change your partner, you can make changes in your own life to stay safe. Consider leaving your partner before the abuse gets worse. Whether you decide to leave or stay, make sure to use our safety planning tips to stay safe. Remember, you have many options — including obtaining a domestic violence restraining order. Laws vary from state to state so chat with a peer advocate to learn more.

Passive-aggressiveness is a total relationship killer. Squash it by practicing assertiveness and clarity. Into chess, or cheese, or cheese that looks like a chess board maybe? You may surprise yourself. Schedule it in if you have to, just make sure to connect in an intimate way. Jealousy can be completely toxic to relationships, so keep yours in check. Spread what you love about your partner. Sex should be sexy, sure. But it should also be fun.

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We all need special care on occasion. You and your partner are there to support each other, not compete with one another. If you find yourself comparing yourself or competing with your significant other, check your behavior. The best way to develop positive patterns in a relationship is to develop them first with yourself.

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We can ruin a perfectly great relationship by focusing too much on the past, or worrying too much about what may happen in the future. What is it that you both want to accomplish? Can you support each other to reach those goals? See a movie, a play, or an art exhibition together—and then talk about them afterward. You may be pleasantly surprised by how differently—or similarly—you viewed things. Yes, we know this sounds crazy, but phone calls are a different sort of communication than texting, or even in-person communicating will allow.

You may actually deepen your connection through a phone chat. Although in this day and age, you might want to make a Spotify playlist rather than a mixed CD. And then give yourself a second to…. Chances are, taking a second out will help you recalibrate and think of a more constructive way of handling the situation. Not everything has to be a big adventure or a big deal. Sometimes the best times are the quiet unplanned things you do together. Does He Just Want Sex? Here are some common questions and my answers.

And my very best on what makes him emotionally bond with you and fall in love: Everything you need to know to have a successful long distance relationship here: To revive that spark, read this now and get the guy to chase you. On a similar topic, you might find it interesting to know how to make your boyfriend be more romantic. Oh boy… read here immediately: Not all matches are made in heaven and sometimes breaking up is the right move. Check out how to break up with my boyfriend.

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Am I in a Toxic Relationship? Understanding Men and Emotional Baggage: How Guys Deal With Breakups. For the majority of guys, upsets at our jobs can dramatically affect our relationships. Ex-girlfriends can be another form of baggage altogether. The question is, what does it mean for you when your boyfriend still talks to his ex-girlfriend? Am I Being Needy?

Neediness is one of the quickest ways to smother the life out of a relationship with a guy.

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