Cs go matchmaking servers

Displays status of Steam client, Steam store, Steam community, Dota 2, TF2 and CSGO. CS:GO Matchmaking Scheduler glohi.xsrv.jp Database .
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Cs go can't connect to matchmaking servers Some striking news for feb 1, A healthy mix of playing and watching has done wonders for my CS game.

CS:GO tips: Check out our Counter-Strike: Global Offensive guide

GO pros who stream — check a few out and find someone who you like watching. GO tournaments, which are extra useful to watch as a new player, as the matches are generally commentated by people who are very familiar with the finer points of CS strategy. At this point, just doing the things above, you should be well on your way to being a decent CS player. You should be able to get into some low-level ranked matches and hold your own.

CS GO Ping Test

Play with people better than you — The advantage of doing this in basically any competitive game cannot be overstated. If you play with and against people significantly better than you, you will lose badly, but you will learn quickly. Most pros use around dpi for their mouse sensitivity, with the in-game sensitivity slider set to around 2. It will feel weird when you first turn it down. Your aim will improve immensely in the long run.

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Learn your map callouts — Every spot of every competitive map will have names that the community uses to tells you over voice comms that an enemy is there. It will take time to learn all the different callouts for all the different maps, but this information is crucial for communicating with your team.

Start here , and pick up the rest by listening to your team and asking for clarification when they call something unfamiliar.


Learn how the CS economy works — One of the main things that makes CS strategically interesting is how money works. Making sure that everyone on your team has enough money to be properly equipped at the beginning of each round is a crucial part of succeeding in competitive matches, and sometimes that means saving all your money and trying to fight the enemy with pistols for a round, so that the next round everyone has money to gear up properly.

Prefire mode - Train, repeat, improve

Learn your smokes and flashes — Most CS: GO maps have a few really useful spots to drop a smoke grenade or flashbang. Often, these spots will require you to bounce the grenade off a wall, or perform some other trick to place the detonation precisely. A quick Youtube search will find you similar videos for all the competitive maps. Once you know some of these, start up an offline practice match and start throwing some grenades around.