Is it easy to hook up with a drunk girl

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Women in bars are usually in groups. Some might be interested in hooking up, but thanks to most guys lacking the courage to approach, a lot of women get impatient and begin to search for guys to make eye contact with to expedite the hooking up process. Make solid eye contact and approach, knowing that the chances of making a connection with this girl are very high. So many guys walk around the bar without realizing that there are women who are specifically interested in your physical appearance.

She may be attracted to your race, your looks, your hairstyle or your body type. Always make an effort to arrive at a bar or nightclub as early as possible.

is hooking up with a drunk girl when sober wrong? (Srs)

If the bar opens at 9PM, try and be there at Arriving early at the club allows you to avoid the lines and gives you access to the women who already are at the club without the barrier of competition. The rule of thumb is: When in the club, realize that you have a specific purpose — to get laid. As time goes on, the bar will fill up with men. Drunk men fueled by liquid courage who will become your competition.

Most women would have paired off with the guy who they will be having sex with that night and the rest will be most likely unattractive or no planning on leaving with anyone. If logistics pan out, I usually spend the rest of the night with her and leave with her at the end of the night. Find a woman who is ready to go, and whose logistics pan out, then stick with her till the end end of the night or till you can leave the club with her.

As I stated earlier, mindset is key. Ever been at the bar with your group of guys, swapping stories and having a good time ignoring girls and suddenly realize that there are a suddenly a bunch of women close to you? Be fun and loud at the bar. Women gravitate towards men who seem to be having a great time, they want to be a part of it. Those who want to be approached will give openings to guys and they are more likely to make openings available to men who are having a great time.

Sure, you will get rejected, but that should not stop you from smiling, laughing when possible, and having a great time. If you are at a bar alone, most guys you will meet at a bar are not going to be good wingmen. I might talk to a group of guys a or a guy to keep myself in a social mood, but I will rarely introduce myself to a guy unless he is part of a group that includes a woman I am trying to get that night.

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Chances are the guy will end up cockblocking you which means stopping you from getting laid for some reason or the other. Usually jealousy, or a bad habit of cockblocking.

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Stick with guys in your group or go alone and try to avoid winging with other guys. Go to her place immediately. One of the first lessons I learnt in my early bar days was to avoid wandering all over the bar. You social value decreases when you are observed meandering around alone or with your pack of guys.

Hooking up w/ a drunk girl when you're sober is OK if you've hooked up with her previously.

Your best bet is to not drink, but if you do, drink till you are slightly buzzed, then switch to water. A good buzz loosens up your inhibitions and helps you have a good time. Getting drunk also lowers your inhibitions to the point that you might do something you might really regret, like watch porn or masturbate. One of the ways to differentiate yourself from other guys in a bar is to always be touching women you meet at a bar as soon as possible while escalating to the point of leaving the bar.

This post originally appeared at Quit Porn Get Girls.

You Want To Pick Up Women? Here’s How You Do It. | Thought Catalog

Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again. Bars and nightclubs are great places to find a woman of any age but the type of woman depends on the type of bar. Critical Details Of https: Swift Programs In https: Swift Products In https: If sown into the fertile soil of others, the idea returns back like a collect and store. You can expect to only respect what we significance. What you usually do not benefit, not often covered respect. No relationship can ever before blossom throughout garden plants suffocated in the weeds of disrespect.

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You Want To Pick Up Women? Here’s How You Do It.

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