Questions to ask a guy dating your daughter

Start with asking him questions about him. Ask about his family, his work and studies, his life plans, what he enjoys doing, and even his driving.
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You could say, "You're so smart," or "You're really good at math! You could say something like, "I enjoy spending time with you. I think I like you as more than a friend. Would you like to go out with me? Bring up the topic of asking for permission. Once you've established that you'd both like to go out with each other, bring up the topic of asking her father. You need to explain your reasoning for asking his permission and ask her if it's okay, as she may have reasons that it's not a good idea.

If she thinks it's a good idea, ask her a few questions about her dad, so you'll have a better idea of what you're walking into. You could ask her if he's strict, as well as his religious beliefs, as that could help you figure out an approach. You could say, "I know most parents are uncomfortable with their kids dating, so I'd really like to talk to your dad about us dating before we go out.

What do you think about that? How do you feel about that?

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In that case, ask her for tips about how to approach the conversation, since she knows her father much better than you do. Be prepared for the conversation. This conversation is not one you want to go into without thinking about what you want to say ahead of time. When you're faced with your potential girlfriend's dad, you're liable to get a little tongue-tied. Therefore, you need to think about what you're going to say before you get into that situation. You probably don't want to take what you wrote with you when you go, but just writing it down can help you work through it.

I wanted to meet with you today to discuss your daughter. I would like to date her. I know that could be a problem for you, but I want you to know that I have nothing but respect for her. I give my word that I will treat her well. Work on your confidence. Of course, you're going to be nervous. The trick is to seem confident despite your nerves. Confidence will give off a better impression, as you'll seem more sure of yourself.

How to Interview Your Daughter’s Date - Mark Merrill's Blog

Don't overdo it, though, as you don't want to seem cocky. That way, you'll be less likely to lose your nerve. Ask a sibling or a parent to go over it with you if you think it will help. One way to seem more confident is to pay attention to your body language. Look him in his eyes, especially when introducing yourself, and make sure you stand up straight.

Be sure to smile, and when you shake his hand, do it with strength and confidence.

In addition, don't be afraid to crack a joke or laugh at one he makes. Set up a time to talk. Call your potential girlfriend's father, and introduce yourself. When you introduce yourself, make sure you mention your connection to his daughter. Ask him if you can meet with him to talk to him about his daughter. I'm Terry Roberts, and I go to school with your daughter, Jessica.

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I was wondering if I could meet with you in the next week to discuss my relationship with your daughter. In that case, it's still polite to call and set up a meeting. When you do, you'll still state who you are and what you would like. You could say, "Hello, Mr. It's your daughter's friend, Terry Roberts. We go to school together. I was wondering if I could meet with you soon to discuss my relationship with your daughter. Second, treat my daughter as you would treat your sister—with selfless love. You can walk into this dating labyrinth with a serving heart or a self-seeking heart. Are you coming to serve or be served?

You know which comes from Christ. Spend some time in groups with guys and girls. Deliberately seek to socialize together or radical thought! Your generation has nailed the socialize part. Maybe you could work on the serve part?

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Have some modesty toward her. Keep your mouth shut. Have some self-control and modesty.

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See 3 to 5. Date with Jesus, not Cupid in mind. Ask a young lady out for coffee to get to know her, but also do this with other young ladies. And do this with some that seem less attractive to you. Do this to serve them, not to lead them on.

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Do this with another guy friend to take the pressure off. Your reputation will soar when word gets out that you and your friend care to treat younger women as sisters, made in the image of God, and valuable to Him. You are going out to serve, not to hunt. Make a formal, in-person invitation. Call her if you have to, but take the highest form of communication. Be ready for rejection. You are a man. I have to wash my hair that night. It will put hair on your chest. Since you are doing this as a ministry and not because you have the two of you married in your mind, you can handle rejection.

Just the two or the four of you. And you should pay. Is he a young man of integrity? If not, then you have an opportunity to sit down with your daughter and share your heart. And be cautious here. Instead, act more like a counselor. Tell your daughter your hopes for her and her future partner. But even if he is responsible and trustworthy, fathers can always find reasons to be skeptical about a boyfriend. So then the question is, Why am I having a tough time accepting this young man? Again, sit down with your daughter and find out what attracts her to this young man.