My girlfriend is dating another guy

So i went through her face book messages (not my proudest moment) i discovered that she went on a date with another guy. So obviously i.
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Cut all contact and don't bother with her ever again. If you choose to stay with her, then you have no respect for yourself either. Join Date Dec Gender: Location Surprise Buttsex Posts 6, Read Rogue's post over and over. You need to be a man. You aren't being one right now. You can not change people, and she will not change. Cut this girl out of your life immediately. Join Date Jun Gender: Age 26 Posts Yeah, you have a major scarcity complex. There really should be no other posts after Rogue's cause like Vapor said, she hit it spot on.

Ofcourse you probably need to hear it from everyone, cause your mind and inner game is in a bad place. It's hard to see how awful a person can become in a relationship when your blinded by the love you developed for them early on. Take this as an objective view point of the masses of people who know what they're talking about. Read up on the scarcity mentality, it's the only reason people stay in a relationship that sucks as much as yours does.

This is really going to hurt, and no matter what you think, I can tell you this for a fact. She is fucking that guy. Or atleast she's fucked him once. That was most likely on her birthday, when she said too never talk to her again, this was a recipe for a justified fuck on her birthday. Then she called you the next day apologizing. What do you think she was apologizing for? I know this is really going to hurt reading this and admitting this to yourself.

Can I Get My Ex Back If She's Already Dating? | Love Dignity

But it's what you need to hear to find the power to move on, take action when in a position of extreme pain. Join Date May Gender: Age 38 Posts 2. Sadly, this is almost exactly my situation. There is little point hoping for sympathy and some words that will magically fix it, because most likely everyone you know thinks you should get out. In my case, I have been begged back every time I have walked away with promises of change. Every time I have been pushed away, I have waited patiently knowing things will come good.

I don't have a problem with my girlfriend having male friends. What I do have a problem with is what happened tonight not an isolated incident.

How to Get Your Ex Back if She is Dating Someone Else - 9 Tips

I call her at 8pm and she tells me this other guy has just arrived and she will call me back later. By midnight I haven't heard anything so I call her again. Now they are sat there watching a DVD. I ask why he's still there, she says because she hasn't kicked him out yet and she will call me later. Does it mean she loves me? If she loves me,why does she want to date another man?

When we talk,she is always loving. Either she's a superb actress,or she truly loves me but is not at all happy with me. What am I doing wrong? I won't be seeing her till Monday,so I have two days to decide whether or not to confront her. And if I do confront her,I'll have to mention I read her emails. The previous two times it happened,she ended up kissing the other guy and a few days later coming and confessing,apologising and crying and promising never to do it again. I dread the thought of facing her another day and acting like everything's okay. It hurts so much. I'm going to go mad.

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I wrote a poem and left it in my college music room. I wonder how many people have read it. I went for a walk at two in the morning hoping someone would kill me,but this campus is too safe. I can't stay in my room anymore. My parents live far away,and I don't have anyone to talk to. My girlfriend used to be my best riend MY perception anyway and I always looked forward to being with her. I really wish I was dead. I doubt she would care,though that's not the point. I can't handle this emptiness anymore. Please forgive me for this long post.

How Do I Handle My Girlfriend Dating Another Guy? - Romance - Nairaland

If you are still here reading it,thank you for listening. And worst of all,it's not like there are other fish in the sea. Putting aside her tendency to cheat,I really thought she was perfect. Both of us don't use substances,are vegetarian,and are virgins too.

Girl friend went on a date with another guy. What dhould i do?

The odds of meeting another girl like that is slim. BTW,when I use the word 'cheating',I refer to any kind of romantic encounter with someone else. Just you could show us these point of view so explosive, crazy and true… I send you a big huges to all the guys here.. Once it has grounded perfectly then set boundaries and encourage her to have fun but not with other horny horses around. With productive, smart and positive people only. If you want to date around remain single and rather go for escorts, prostitutes, strippers etc.

Not quite understand what you want to tell us. This is a good article and it is clear that all women must experience various relationships before marrying,. We are in the 20th century! I was thinking about this exactly topic since a while. What you think about this? The hippies had it right. Free love, without trying to control and possess the other is so much lighter, freer, happier than this modern concept of airtight relationships, where the other person has zero room to breathe. Osho has a great talk about this on youtube where he basically says if you really love somebody, you give them total freedom.

You give them privacy. The world is in big need of change with the way people approach love and relationships. Do you have a link to that Osho video? From my perspective prostitution is what most wives and girlfriends partake in without realizing. He is completely right.

4 reasons why you must encourage girls you’re dating to see other guys

If someone is into you, telling them to date others is a slap in the face and very wrong. I feel sorry for you that you think anybody would need to do this. Multi dating is Neediness in itself. Are we not strong enough to go into a connection with out a back up? I disagree with this post. I find it as an excuse of trying to come up with a different approach to being polygamous indirectly.

If you want a woman to keep seeing other males players, womanisers, man stealers who could potentially take your woman for a ride, follow this post! A bit of insecurity can secure your relationship, no insecurity at all can make your relationship insecurity and exposured to the public for manipulation.

Part 3: Healing During No Contact When she is dating someone else

I completely agree, this sickens me. I guess those who have morals are falling quickly behind the ignorance of this mad world. Thoughts like this are why America is becoming a corrupted lesion on the face of the Earth. Sin begets eternal death. Cos only one in that situation can reason like this. I broke up with my GF a month ago or so because I was not comfortable with the relationship anymore.

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  8. She was really hurt about that because she was really into me but she was not giving me space to live my life. News from the field…so, I shared this article on my facebook. And received a response from a very perceptive chick. It seems to be saying: If this is the case, then the next question is: If what you are seeking is safety and security BEFORE you can feel intimate with someone, then this article may just piss you off or seem like a bunch of selfish, bullshit. What does intimacy mean?

    It means sharing real desires and emotions with another. What if instead of waiting until I feel secure in the relationship before I let out the REAL me, I let out the real me all the time in all my relationships? Would I still feel the need to seek exclusivity, that is, to make this one and only person responsible for my sense of security? Why should I burden her with this responsibility, which, ultimately she is doomed to fulfill because only I am responsible for how I feel and how I engage my world?