Matchmaking in destiny pvp

While no deliberate changes to matchmaking were deployed in Update , Several prominent Destiny 2 PvP streamers and YouTubers are.
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Many players feel skill-based matchmaking has returned, and they're sad to see it back.

Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Boards Destiny 2 Why is matchmaking in PvP so trash.

Destiny Matchmaking Drama

I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes. You would think that is how it would work.

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  • Destiny 2’s skill-based matchmaking in PvP is broken, and some players are loving it | PCGamesN?
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  • Why Skill-Based Matchmaking is Good.
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  • Bungie should keep skill-based matchmaking out of Destiny 2's Quickplay PvP?

I believe Bungies method for balancing randos vs a stacked team is to give the stacked players a higher skill rating than they otherwise would have. Overwatch,Seige, Cod and CS: They aren't that hard XD". Upon the launch of Forsaken, skill matching will work in the same manner it has in recent weeks i.

In the near future, we will preview any planned improvements to matchmaking in Crucible Labs first, so we can tune that experience collaboratively.

As always, our commitment remains to communicate all changes to the competitive ecosystem in advance right here on bungie. Bungie says it is looking into PvP queue times, confirming that something is indeed up with quickplay:. We are actively investigating longer than usual matchmaking times for the Quickplay Crucible playlist.

Destiny 2’s skill-based matchmaking in PvP is broken, and some players are loving it | PCGamesN

Please stay tuned for updates on our progress. Last month, Bungie accidentally disabled skill-based matchmaking for Destiny 2's quickplay PvP mode, inadvertently creating more chaotic matches that value speed over balance.

It wasn't an intentional change, but Bungie agreed to "take no immediate action" and watch how things played out. And they played out quite well: Topic Archived Page 1 of 2 Last.

Many players feel skill-based matchmaking has returned, and they're sad to see it back.

Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. This topic contains spoilers - you can click, tap, or highlight to reveal them. Boards Destiny 2 Why is matchmaking in PvP so trash.

I enjoy video games and shoes, mainly shoes.

Should Destiny 2 Turn Skill-Based Matchmaking Back On?

You would think that is how it would work. I believe Bungies method for balancing randos vs a stacked team is to give the stacked players a higher skill rating than they otherwise would have. Overwatch,Seige, Cod and CS: They aren't that hard XD". Every other not-garbage-tier team based game puts in protections to make sure groups face groups because their win rates are substantially higher on average.

I just play FFA and have totally found my niche there.