Marriage not dating ep 15 raw

EPISODE “Two women who love one man” . Ki-tae talks to Hoon-dong about their dating-not-marriage arrangement, and Hoon-dong.
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I can live with that, I really can. I was so hoping for a bit of romance, even on the tail end of episode 15 at least. So if future Mi Rae is too sick to time travel Shin will come for her? I also noticed that the writer has failed to keep the story consistant..

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Its still Christmas ???? Anyway, I give up. Please media gods pair them up again — and this time with a good writer. I regret my hesitation to watch raw Empress Ki or this one! What on earth is wrong with MR! I will literally watch his scenes only! I just want you off this drama. They killed you then brought you alive. The drama started out fine, disguising as a romantic comedy with a fantasy twist. Look at the stills for the past weeks. I think yookyung is relatively likeable because she was sidelined in the plot…otherwise the author would have ruined her too! And seju…what can I say?

He was my favorite character before the writer ruined his character…made him extremely clingy! Its a pity that the writer could do this to her own characters. Shin on the roof killed me. The pain he must feel, to see a character like that be so broken and trying to hard control his emotions. Just amazing to watch LDG.


The fact that this drama totally screwed him over still pisses me off more than the writing. He has no worries or cares. Selfish, overbearing and delusional is what he is. Seju was a rather sympathetic character, but now how in the world can anyone feel bad for him. I also kind of love Shin telling Mirae not to butt in his life. Considering Seju, Mirae is probably not used to men who actually mean it when they say goodbye.

Did Mirae lose the ability to speak? I hope what she learns at the end is the kick in the pants she needs. YK needs to ruuun far far away from SJ. She can find someone much better than him.


There is no doubt in my mind she will have a happy life without him and do well for herself. I am okay with 10 minutes of screentime with the deserving pairs being happy with each other or apart. SJ character is so annoying, all clingy to Mirae. How can he be so dense lol. To insist SJ to Mirae is blindly saying. Today is episode 16! Why did you have to keep the truth for so long. I need a reason a simple reason to have this yoon eun hye drama in my collection , but the script is too horrible.

Could be the last ep save this drama?

How was it feels, Sleepyhead Lee Bomi?

If that scene will happen which I doubt , but I wish with all my heart at least. The story is so poorly written even for a melodrama or whatever it was. My tears are falling by impotence and anger, by the way thanks for the recap. What a torture this drama has been! Totally feeling ripped off by the writer. It could have been one of the best K-dramas with such a cast but the writer just messed it up. The last episode better be a healing balm to the wound that the writer inflicted on the viewers and not another dose of acid to make the pain unbearable to a point of wishing you are dead!

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  • I bailed on this drama half way through. Yet I still want to know how far fetched this car wreck will go so I head here to the playground for your recaps. By the way, your recaps are far and away more fun, hilarious and entertaining to read than the drama seems to be. I really liked the cast but it just went in the dumper early on and failed to be revived for me. I was immensely frustrated with the depiction of future Mirae and the mire that she left us all in. Thank you for plodding through the moroseness of this piece of nonsense.


    I appreciate your steadfastness. I hate that she only appears 5 min. Such a shame his character has an idiotic obsession with Mi Rae. If he would have move on by ep. She deserves much better. This time-travel mystery melodrama has everyone loving it or hating it. The hate is aimed squarely at the writer who did not deliver a rom-com…. BTW when did they state it ever was a rom-com? The writer is known for dealing with issues that is eliciting a strong reaction.

    Good art elicits strong reactions. It has been an enjoyable series with great acting and character development. It was billed as a romcom when it started. Mi Rae should just move one and set her own goal like YK. You have a voice to speak. I really hope that LDG and YEH will have other project together coz their chemistry is enormous though they only stare at each other. Kim Shin, grow a pair and get your woman so the story can get some coherence!!!!! SeJu and Sekyung part was good, why did this writer killed that ship!!!? I keep scratching my head… What went so terribly wrong? I have bailed a long time ago but still sludge through it to see if there is any glimmer of hope.

    Marriage not dating ep 16 raw – CoAA TV

    Maybe this one is best viewed in its entirety. I am drawing at straws seriously. Sigh… Oh well… Maybe next time. This writer will be on my hate list, wasting the entire cast talents. The chemistry LDG n YEH are amazing even without kiss scenes, just the look between them already sizzling and writer has to ruins it all.. Everything else was manipulated so that she would take the path chosen by her future self, only to find out that the two of them are totally unrelated.