Dating a banker london

I know, because I've been dating a junior banker for more than three years. of a marketing professional who lives and works in London.
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I'm the life of the party, eating, drinking, leading a merry dance of witty banter. You might think this is an indulgence - all that fun on the company dollar. I used to think it was so, but it wears thin. Comes a time in life, around 32, when the most important thing is eight hours sleep. Of course, there are ways you can make the mandatory entertaining more manageable. I try to meet clients early. I try to go places with good food and then to explain to the clients I know well enough that the food has eaten up my entertainment budget and we can't go on for drinks.

This doesn't always go down well - British clients, especially, expect an all-nighter.

I am dating a junior banker and it is fine | eFinancialCareers

Sometimes I wished I worked for ING, where client entertainment seems to involve a trip to the gym although you can bet the feasting still happens too. At least that way I wouldn't gain so much weight. It might be ok if I while I'm out expending all this social energy I got to meet women. I'm a single man, but I have more chance of developing a relationship with a female in a soccer locker room than I do during a night of client entertainment. You can spot bankers entertaining clients from miles off: These are the clients They're all portfolio managers and they're several notches higher than me on the dating stakes.

So, while you might think that working in banking is good for your social life and will raise your dating capital, it really won't.

What You Learn When You Date A City Boy

My experience is that you're too exhausted to date, and that the potential dates you encounter when you're not exhausted and out for work purposes just aren't interested. There's no kudos in banking now. It's a conversation killer. Sometimes I say I work in film instead; the difference is extraordinary.

There's glamour. Sort of.

Bear with us if you leave a comment at the bottom of this article: Sometimes these humans might be asleep, or away from their desks, so it may take a while for your comment to appear. Get the latest career advice and insight from eFinancialCareers straight to your inbox. Whenever he cancels, it's work-related. I've had to reorganize a day at the races with my family because he suddenly could't come and I attend most social occasions on my own.

Notre Magasin

But when he takes me for dinner late on a Saturday night and he's shattered from working all day but still remains upbeat and happy, it more than compensates. That is real dedication to our relationship. He has a saying that helps me understand: Dating a banker isn't for everyone. Every other relationship from his analyst class has failed except ours. You need to be understanding. You also need to admire and respect the hard work that your partner's doing, otherwise you'll always be resentful.

I am dating a junior banker and it is fine

For me, his ambition and work ethic are part of the attraction. It takes effort on both sides. He dedicates every bit of free time from work to me instead of himself and I accept that his work is not his fault and to not take it out on him.

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No matter how awful it may be for me, it's ten times worse for him. What advice would I offer other women and men who have banking partners? Never take out your frustration on them! It's not their fault. You're a team, not fighting against each other! Let go of the small things and focus on the big ones. And have your own life.

Meet our Graduates: Diana, UBS Investment Bank in London - UBS Graduates

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