Dating in early recovery

In the early months of recovery, you've given up a lot — your go-to coping strategy, your social network, your approach to life. It's natural to look.
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This can be an unhealthy temptation.

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Starting a new romantic relationship involves a close interaction with an unfamiliar individual. An individual who is in early recovery can easily be taken advantage of by manipulative people.

If You Still Decide to Date Despite numerous cautions, there will always be some individuals who will find that they crave intimacy and romance in the early stages of recovery. Date someone who wants to develop a long-term relationship. Date someone who shares at least some of your interests.

Date someone with similar values. Recognize the signs of a potential dysfunctional relationship.

If You Still Decide to Date

Actively involved in therapy: Therapy allows for self-discovery, and the therapeutic environment can help the individual learn to develop meaningful relationships with others. Always honest about recovery: Be honest about the fact that a person is in recovery from the very beginning. If another person cannot accept that, then they are not worth dating. Moving slowly in the relationship: Do not move too quickly or be in a hurry to get serious.

Dating During Recovery: 5 Reasons to Think Twice

Not dating people from recovery groups, therapy groups, or work: This is a rule that applies across many different situations, and many individuals make it a point not to date individuals with whom they frequently associate, such as colleagues at work, people who go to the same church, etc. Individuals in recovery should extend this to include individuals who attend the same therapy groups, support groups, peer groups, etc. Romantic relationships with these individuals can result in serious complications and much unwanted stress. Yes, you are healing and making new discoveries, but dating during early recovery can be a slippery slope.

Here are just five reasons why you might want to put the brakes on the sober romance during early addiction recovery. It may be tempting to hand your heart to someone in early recovery, but it would be wise to wait.

7 Reasons Why You Should Not Have A Relationship Early In Recovery

Addiction is a serious disease that has taken a toll on both your mind and body. It is only fair that you take the time to heal both of those aspects before you even think about becoming romantically involved with another person. Did you know that when you enter alcohol or drug rehab, there is a good chance that you will be asked to agree to a non-fraternization policy? This means that you agree to stay out of relationships with other clients.

The consequences of breaking that rule will likely be expulsion from the program. In just one study , 7. If you are serious about your recovery, you will follow all of the rules, including the one about dating. Addicts and alcoholics become used to finding pleasure from outside sources. Some find food, others shopping, and still others affairs of the heart. Relationships and sex can become a new addiction if you do not exercise caution. Recovery is an ongoing process, and someone who is being honest will tell you that up front.

A good sign is someone who is actively participating in a recovery plan and taking steps to look after their health by staying active, eating well and getting enough rest.

Why You Should Think Twice Before Dating in Recovery

Visit your local library or look for online resources to learn about this subject. You can also check out government and educational websites for information. The first year or two of getting sober is challenging for most people. Adding the good stress of a new relationship is not recommended. If you meet someone interesting during the early stages of recovery, exchange emails anyway. Ask the person to get in touch in three or six months if they would like to follow up. At that point, the two of you can go for coffee and renew your acquaintance.

At some point while dating a person in recovery, someone is going to mention things that they did while they were using their drug of choice.

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