Online dating nlp

May 10, Mike Kollin's Dating and Relationship Coaching Blog . Dating tips and How to meet women using NLP & Hypnosis! . for men, free dating tips, free online dating sites, Free online dating tips, Free Online dating tips for men.
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Login or Sign Up. Today's Posts Member List Calendar. In a different discussion thread from mbxdad, I asked him how he manages to pull in so many inquiries from women on match dot com, and his response contained something that I as a midlife bachelor have never heard of before Now I don't know any more about any of this than anyone else which is nothing , and so if this interests you, then keep reading. You can also use our friend, google, to do some research on NLP. And if you have specific questions, perhaps mbxdad will indulge - but don't ask him to give away all of his secrets I've been told my profile is unique, compelling, exhilarating, intimidating yeah, I know, makes me a bit ill but it is what it is.

I'm sure there are just as many who found it cheesy.

NLP and Online Dating

I probably follow up on one sixth of the incoming volunteers, and have recruited about a half dozen times. I understand marketing pretty well so I approached it as a messaging exercise, combined with a bit of NLP. From the marketing angle I wanted it to be highly differentiated. I wrote it in a style that nobody else used, and in a style that engaged the reader right off the bat, providing a way for me to introduce examples of who I am. Instead of saying I am a good father, I just described in one sentence a moment where I engaged fully with my son as a father, using active words that made the reader feel they are there.

Instead of saying I have self-discipline, I described what I do first thing in the morning to clear my mind again in one-two sentences and in an active voice that invited the reader to tell me what they did in the morning to clear their mind.

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Second, I brought in an aspect of NLP around building rapport and understanding that different people use different ways of connecting some are visual, some are auditory, some are kinetic, etc. I made sure that each of my examples used one of these ways of connecting.

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So when I describe something I make sure to word it in a way that connected visually, or through sound, or through the sense of touch. I close with a nice description of what I'm looking for that hits the hot buttons. I've been very happy with the quality of dates that it attracts - since it can be a bit intimidating I think that self-confident women gravitate toward it hence the marathoners, professionals, etc.

Many I would have reached out to myself. Still it doesn't hit all the time - there is the occasional one I'd like to recruit who seems to be a great match but just doesn't get juiced up by my profile. It also helps that I'm tall and good looking, well educated and well employed.

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My online pic isn't great - that's something I could definitely improve. I lost a lot of weight over the past 2 years so most of my photos don't do justice.

Need to find a chick friend to shoot some pics. There is no doubt a well written profile combined with decent pics will get more attention.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Technique for Writing an Online Dating Profile

I immediately realised I was viewing a most abusive open display of cognitive coaching and covert hypnosis. For years now I have been watching and warning my psychic readers about life coaches using NLP hypnosis techniques on their customers. NLP techniques have been used more and more by psychics on video programs to manipulate people without your knowledge or consent.

YouTube is full of self-promotional videos where NLP techniques are subtly placed throughout the lecture to get you to buy products or sign up for training courses.

Online Dating Success And Hated Cliches. - NLP Mind

There have been plenty of articles on the web about how to secretly use covert hypnosis NLP methods to seduce women , and the pickup artists have borrowed heavily from them. There is no scientific support for the speculations of NLP , and even less for the hotch potch sales pitches of the pickup artists.

And here too they have borrowed heavily from NLP marketing techniques. The main aim of the pickup artists companies that have sprung up all over the place, in recent years, is to make as much money as quickly as possible selling books and courses on how to secretly manipulate women. To be a pickup artist you have to be disconnected from the Oneness of all people. The techniques that dating pickup artists aspire to, are nothing more than distorted Universal Laws that are more about ego, power, manipulation and fear of lack.

The pick-up artist's techniques are just another manifestation of the denial of Oneness. Okay… one of the keys to online dating success is to have the right mind-set. Have an attitude that you are the prize. That you are the best thing that could ever happen to her.

Online Dating Success And Hated Cliches.

It took a long time for me to get this into my subconscious though, and I wanted to find a way to make it happen a lot faster with the guys I was working with… I wanted them to have it part of who they were in a matter of days. So, I started taking a look at the fastest techniques to making lasting change in people. That lead me to NLP. Or in cases of behaviors you want to get rid of, de-programming your mind to ease those things from your consciousness. Most importantly, NLP works if you have the right person teaching you the techniques.