Dating in islam

Courtship and Dating Practices in Islamic Societies. How do Muslims go about choosing a spouse? Rather, in Islamic culture, pre-marital relationships of any kind between members of the opposite sex are forbidden.
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That's why western men who are looking for a wife and a mother for the children often turn to Muslim women. And if you're one of those men, this guide is for you. While in western countries where women are allowed much more than in eastern countries flirting is the best way to show your affection for both men and women.

Flirting goes hand in hand with tongue-in-cheek humour, thus often it is hard to tell, whether your flirting goes in the right direction or one of you is just joking. That's why western dating is much harder than Muslim dating and needs much more efforts than it's eastern counterpart. Muslim women are not allowed to flirt.

So, how to understand if the Muslim girl likes you or not?

How Young Muslims Define 'Halal Dating' For Themselves : Code Switch : NPR

Actually, in Muslim society everything is way more simple. The indication of interest are very subtle and rooted more in body language than in oral speech. No, it has nothing to do with belly dancing. You want a family oriented woman, remember? In Muslim society, you can understand that the girl likes you if she stays in one room with you alone. If she wears traditional Muslim clothes, she would express her interest in you by letting you see her face and her hands.

Strange, but still, much simpler than all that flirting stuff. If you like when men and women have different gender roles than dating a Muslim woman is the right choice. In the Muslim society men work and supply the family, while women must handle the housekeeping and the kids. It's not your typical western woman who would say that she earns enough money for both of you, and that she loves her job and probably you should handle the housekeeping and babysitting.


Forget about this variant of life if you're planing to marry a Muslim girl. The husband does all the male things. For example, if you're dating a Muslim girl and she has a car, you should drive whenever you meet. You should drive the car even if she's the one who has the driving license. Another important thing about Muslim women as wives is their loyalty. Muslim women are rarely infidel. Of course you can assume it's because of the laws in Muslim countries. But, the Muslim world is far wider than just the Arabic states. For example Turkey is far more democratic. You must consider your own level of fidelity, if you don't want to face some outrageous consequences.

You, definitely heard that stories about some husband in Arabic country who had killed his unfaithful wife and then was freed by the court, because murder of the infidel is not a murder at all.

Well, this rule works both ways. A wife who had killed her husband for being unfaithful will be also face no restraining orders as well. Muslim women consider making their husbands happy in bed a job.

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So, whenever you want she will give it to you in the best possible way. Of course at the time of harems, women were thought how to bring pleasure to their sultan in the most peculiar ways, but that times are long gone. Moreover, nobody wants to have more than two wives in Arabic states nowadays.

It became too expensive and Arabic polygamy turned into money-based relationship. No matter what kind of present you gave to one wife, you should not forget about bringing a gift to your other wife. Otherwise, it all ends in court. Feeling lucky for not being an Arabic husband of two wives? Nobody forbids you to dream about many girls with knowledge of pleasing a sultan, but you'll unlikely find a girl with that knowledge nowadays.

Still, if you want your sex life to be improved, she will learn whatever you want only to please you.

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One thing you must remember, when sleeping with a Muslim girl, Muslim women are against contraceptives. Abortion is also not in favour in Islam, so either you should use condoms or be prepared to become a father. After reading about the benefits of Muslim women you definitely consider dating a Muslim girl.

But, everything is much more complicated here. Don't try to look for Muslim dating rules on the Internet, you'll not find such a manual, simply because it doesn't exist. Muslims are not allowed to date. You've just learned that? Well, that is the answer to the question why families marry their children before the kids learned how to speak.

Simply, because Muslims are not allowed to date. The belief is that when eligible Muslim men and women see each other without a chaperon present, the devil is also present, in the form of sexual temptation, according to Search Your Love.

Can We Date in Islam?

Young couples who respect the tents of their faith and of of the Quran arrange to meet with a chaperon present. The Islamic faith frowns heavily on unchaperoned dating and premarital sex, hence the presence of a family member as a chaperon. Even Muslim couples that are already engaged to marry cannot spend time alone together. This is a clear violation of their faith and of teaching in the Quran, according to the Adherents website.

The Guide to Dating a Muslim Girl

So that they can spend time together without violating their beliefs, young Muslim couples bring along a family member as a chaperon. According to the Adherents website, families are greatly involved in the dating process and in the marriage. The families have to like the person their relative is about to marry; the chaperon arrangement allows members of both families to get to know their child's intended spouse. Muslim couples that decide to get married become engaged early, once they know they are compatible. Because of the Muslim stricture against premarital sex, the entire dating and engagement process is supervised, with the couple participating in group outings with friends, according to the Families website.

During their engagement, a Muslim couple might not even exchange kisses until their wedding day. Again, this is done so that the couple doesn't risk facing the temptation for premarital sex. American Muslims have developed a method of dating that falls within the confines of their faith and the Quran, called "Halal" dating.

In this form of dating, young men and women are introduced to each other by family or parents. To help them get to know each other better, they spend time talking on the phone, interact via the Internet and go out on group dates or as a couple with a chaperon, writes Search Your Love. Once they decide that they want to spend their lives together, the couple signs a marriage contract, called a "nikah.

Halal dating gives Muslim couples the chance to develop a clear understanding and agreement that they are in a committed relationship and will marry each other. Genevieve Van Wyden began writing in She has worked as a CPS social worker, gaining experience in the mental-health system.