My daughter is dating a drug user

My daughter doesn't really have a problem, it's that loser drug dealing boyfriend she's with. She's your baby and to think she's a drug addict hurts. What I am People who don't have drug problems don't date drug dealers.
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You can send her to a great school, pay for soccer, help her find a great job. But when it comes to matters of the heart, things get a bit more complicated. You realize your daughter could be in danger — emotionally and physically. She might be starting down a path that leads to years of bad decisions and heartache. What can you do?

If you react poorly, that can make the situation worse - teens are notorious for doing the exact opposite of what their parents tell them to do. To carefully handle this delicate situation, keep the following tips in mind:. For those seeking addiction treatment for themselves or a loved one, the ProjectKnow. Our helpline is offered at no cost to you and with no obligation to enter into treatment. If you wish to explore additional treatment options or connect with a specific rehab center, you can browse our listings or visit SAMHSA. What are the do's and don'ts when addressing your teenager's dating life?

To carefully handle this delicate situation, keep the following tips in mind: It's not a fun conversation, but you have to educate her about the effects of drug use.

The Don’ts

Get her to a support group meeting. Take her to a seminar. Since teens are known for rebelling , it makes your job very tricky - especially when you want her to stop seeing a current love interest. An ultimatum might only encourage her to run right into their arms - and stay there. You can set rules that make it very difficult for the relationship to continue. If that ever changed, he would be shown the door and he us fully aware of my stance on that.

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So my advice, if he is an addict, show him he is an addict. Give him the chance to look at himself from your perspective and decide if he likes what he sees. If he is not unhappy with his Choices or doesn't see a problem, run. Very far away and very fast. When someone is addicted to drugs everything else becomes collateral damage.

My husband was a reformed addict when I met him 8 years ago, he still recreationally used speed but I was unaware of that for a few years because it was so recreational, I didn't even notice. When I became more clued on, I could notice the recreational use wasn't so recreational anymore, 2 years ago it became more frequent leading to most weekends, turning into sometimes weekdays, I refused to marry him unless he went to a drug counsellor, which I also went to seperately to gain a better understanding of the situation..

I was told he was not an addict, well I felt pretty damn annoyed at that, a drug counsellor pretty much told me I was overreacting! So after he had been to 1 session, I told hom the counsellor wasn't very good and to stop going and we worked on it together, yes he wasn't 'addicted' but as a reformed addict, I knew the chance of him slipping back into addiction was very easy, so I put my foot down, no wedding if he touched drugs this was 6 months before the date I cut his sim card and got him a new one, I told him there was to be no contact with anyone associated with his use.

Dating a Drug Addict | The Imperfect Mum

He did it and we got married. In the last 10 months, he has used maybe twice, this to me is recreation, not addiction, I monitor him and I know every single sign now to suggest he is on something and he walks a very thin line, he himself is getting over the novelty of it all now anyway, but I guarantee that if I didnt make drugs difficult for him, he would have slipped into addiction again years ago.

Its possible to be with a recreational user, but its hard work for the both of you, mainly you though, I went through 2 years of emotional hell within myself to get to the point we're at now, but I'm the kind of person that wants to save everyone, I didn't give up on my husband because he's a fantastic partner, fantastic dad and fantastic worker and he now has a business with 5 employees and doesnt care for drugs much anymore because he's busy and he's happy and he cant run a business high right!..

True Addicts are toxic and their lives are a mess all the time! They don't go anywhere in life because they have no desire to do anything but drugs, they will not change for anyone but themselves. I know many addicts and my husband has never been as bad as them, the signs are very obvious when recreation turns to addiction. Recreational use is rare, fun, and has no impact or issu, ie the odd party, get together, festival, once a year or a couple times etc. Anything more than that and it's a choice and will probably become more important than other things that most grown ups with children prioritiSe and it becomes an issue and you shouldn't have to beg someone to prioritize you and your family.

Apart From that the addiction changes their personality, I lived with a bong smoker and he'd fiend for it when he didn't have it,! Didn't really do days out And even before kids it pissed me off that so much money was wasted on it. Unfortunately most people will swear it's recreational, they're not addicted, it doesn't change them, and ita not a problem.

Help! My Teen is Dating Someone Who’s Abusing Drugs

Then it causes the problems I said and they swear it's not a problem, or the drugs ITs just not a family friendly recreation. Best advice is to avoid the whole mess. The father of my child, is a herion addict as well as having an ice addiction. I couldn't praise more of a how much of an amazing father he is and an amazing person he is, he may have an addiction but the addiction is not what makes him as person. Some people are differently affected by a drug, some can use it and build an immune to it to which using doesn't give them any effect it's just having it that they are used to even if it's not doing the same thing.

I am not a user and never have been and my partner doesn't use around us or our child. Do not run from the hills because of others opinions, a person can be sober with no addictions and be more of a risk to your child then one that done. Everyone has their own opinions, you know what's write and if you feel unsafe and if his substance use is affecting you talk to him about it, the more communicate with them and understand and work together the better relationship growth you have.

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  • Help! My Teen is Dating Someone Who’s Abusing Drugs.
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If you feel it's not going to work within yourself that's when you know it's not right to stick around. Keep your chin up and keep positive: My partner was addicted to ice and i was as well but as soon as we found out i was pregnant we both gave up cold turkey and never went back, we are both a year and 9 months clean, people that think that you can never quit are naive and have never experienced it themselves.

It is possible for them to stop. My partner was on drugs when we met. I gave him an ultimatem knowing full well it could lead to a break up and he decided to kick the drugs. He's now been clean 3 years. We now have a son as well as my daughter and he is the best father. But they have to want to stop. You can't force - it has to be their decision. Are you a Mum? If the answer is yes then please don't even consider this person as a partner. Not for a second. My hubby's Mum dated drop kick addict after addict. He now has many many issues and no longer has relationship with his Mum.

All of these men were "recreational" addicts.

Top 3 Excuses Of The Drug Addiction Enabler

As in they still worked etc. But every, single one of them was a terrible terrible influence for him and his sister and they suffered from a very difficult upbringing because his mother just wanted companionship, regardless of the kind of men they were.

My partner is a weed addict and honestly it isnt worth it. Currently it is tearing us apart. The hardest part is knowing its time to give up and leave, but i don't know how to walk away when I love him. When I first met my husband unbeknown to me he was a heroin addict. It was a VERY long, stressful, repetitive process. I was hurt many times by his lies, using, stealing etc. Then when he went to jail it all came out. I stuck by him though. I started seeing all the signs and I became a master detective.