Tesco dating

We're discussing dating in the canteen. Eve, our luscious receptionist, reckons we should all get down to Tesco one Friday after work. Apparently it's singles'.
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Tesco to scrap 'best before' dates from fruit and vegetable lines

Tesco invited 32 single shoppers looking for love to take part in a social experiment at its Hemel Hempstead Extra store. Now the question is, if you have no joy at Tescos's will you lower yourself to Aldi or Netto??? Do you have to adjust your shopping to make it more sexy?

Tesco Valentine's - Introducing Basket Dating

Champagne strawberries, candles and condoms? I mean nothing says unsexy quite like toilet bleach and chopped liver. Quite a laugh mate I didn't think people were that rude in real life! This post was brilliant. I'm sad I haven't read you before. Singles night at Tesco, perhaps not so classy. Thanks for your comments guys, they mean a lot. Colin, fancy being my wing man at Morrisons on Friday? This blog was hilarious!!

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Instead of the grocery store, next time you should try a bookstore!! You kept me reading from line 1 all the way to the end. Definitely good for a laugh, having grown up in the Isle of Man and now living in Mozambique I miss the northern scouse humour! This has cracked me up!

Tesco matches singles based on shopping basket contents for Valentine's Day push

You wanna get yourself down to my Tesco, you'd love it in there!!! I;ve even posted a blog about it ha ha! Don't give up on meeting someone special at stores though. I met my husband in front of the mall! I say try again tonight! Have you ever thought of writing a book? Because I would definitely read it.. You really have a great writing style! The CK on the crotch - not applied directly right?

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Cos that would sting I imagine or do you like that? But if you sprayed it over your pants then that would leave you with a stain type thing right over your man bits- which won't help your pulling technique. I always had trouble meeting people in places like the library or the grocery store, unless I wasn't looking. Wow, im glad I read this post.

The lady with the leggings and white shirt didn't have to be such a beezy.

Tesco removes 'best before' dates on some fruit and veg - BBC News

I would have smiled and then that would have been your que. Hahahaha Blown out good style!

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