Isfj dating compatibility

ISFJ Relationship Compatibility With Other Personality Types Here are some tips which could be useful when dating an ISFJ personality type.
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Appreciated for doing the minor things. Like I clean the kitchen because my boyfriend didn't feel well, but then want him to tell me I did a good job or something. It's also strange because as much as I want to feel appreciated, I hate getting compliments -- I think it stems from a "Well I should do it, so why am I getting complimented for something I should do anyways? I would tell my mom not to compliment me while I was growing up because I felt I didn't deserve it for just doing my obligation. I like feeling like I will not scare away my partner no matter how crazy my emotions may get.

I know they're crazy, I need someone to tell me I am not weird and that my feelings are valid. I guess validation is another thing I want, and to feel treated as well as I treat my partner. What turns me off are cheating on tests or on partners and materialism. Communication has been tough. We miscommunicate often without meaning to. I've commented a lot about it before, so you could probably get a glimpse by looking at my prior comments.

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  2. Introverted Sensing Feeling Judging.
  3. ISFJ Relationship Compatibility With Other Personality Types.
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Are you the female version of me?!? Your description especially your first point is dead on for me as a male ISFJ. Wow, this is me too. I like encouragement and being told I did well, but it is hard for me to accept compliments. It's okay, it was interesting reading your insight. You're right about them not being able to see it. If I told him that though, it feels like I'm being "bossy". I guess I've grown up to be too passive? Genuinely this is cracking me up how alike you sound. He both wants complements and praise but also thinks he's just doing his duty, so he shouldn't actually need them.

He gets really flustered if his parents show him affection or complement him, and he never wanted praise or excessive attention from them growing up. At the same time, though, he loves if someone subtlely shows him appreciation for something he did, and he gets veeeeery cranky if he feels underappreciated. He also LOVES security and needs to feel like he has a safe space with you where you'll validate all of his emotions and his hobbies no matter what. Haha, this is so great, you really sound a lot like him. I generally want to feel useful to my SO, her happiness is my happiness.

Acknowledgment of what I do for her tends to be a plus.

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I'm not carefree, but I don't hold strong opinions either, in an effort to remain in a position to support her. I'm not a fan of confrontation and over-competitiveness. I'm fairly sensitive and I try to keep our prides and egos intact. I like a partner who is laid-back and open with their feelings.

I'm at my best when I feel trusted. I usually have very few words but every now and then I let the floodgates loose when I feel safe to share. So, I appreciate a non-judgmental person, who can contribute positive feedback. And for me, he is the only people who correspond to me so I want to believe all this theory have limits. By talking, we start to appreciate each other. So this is a very important aspect of the relationship moreover at the beginning. As it was important to him and INFJ are very dedicated to others and selfless, he gave me back the same listening hear and dedication that makes me comfortable.

Not sure i understand but we are very caring about people and serious about relationship. We only see relationship as long term commitment. Most of the time, we hide this part because we do not like to expose our feelings and we are seen are insensitive, cold, distant, rude people even so it is the opposite.

Personally my relation with a INFJ is really good because we share very similar values, we are both altruist, very caring about each other feeling, dedicated to others, we have strong sense of ethics which i appreciated in myself as well as in others people , sharing same values commitment, upright, genuine.

It is important for me to find someone who can appreciate myself for who i am and share the same value moral, ethical and universal values. I would sy i just love him because he has all the values i appreciate in someone and he is really really good. ISFJ share feelings very often and needs to feel secure in a relationship. This is SO accurate! This is the first time i've read a personality test that makes sense and has actually helped me!

Yes it was way off for me too. I am bad at every "good" career, and good at every "bad" career that they listed. And I definitely don't have a girl personality. It's very much like me and explains a few things about who I am. Though I do like photography but would probably be more fulfilled in the serving occupations. This dead drivers m me but it's very predictable and boring personality type. It gives me a solid foundation. He is curious and knowledgeable about many things and as such I'm always learning from him.

He doesn't love to try new things, but when he is willing to, it's delightful for me. I'm so happy to have found a man who is thoughtful, attentive to details, and stable and reliable. Those things may seem boring until you have a life where they're absent, then you realize how valuable they are! Well, my list is endless really -- but those are the attributes that bubble to the top when I'm trying to articulate why I feel so lucky.

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  • After an extremely unreliable husband, dating an isfj is the most calming and safe experience ever. I forgot to add, he is VERY masculine and athletic. These traits may be found more often in women, but it doesn't mean that men who share them aren't masculine. I am a INFJ and have 3 sons.

    ISFJ Weaknesses

    We all took the test and my 14 year old son tested out as a INFJ also. The more I have thought about each of them and how they tested out, the more I see it. My son actually took the test twice to make sure. I don't think he was crazy about the results but it is so him! Thank you for giving insight on the male perspective and the positives you see there!

    He is so kind and thoughtful and caring, I keep telling him he would be a great vet or doctor! It's a great personality type to have.

    Glad you're so encouraging of your sons. My man is a biologist and he loves what he does! I think this type succeeds at whatever they decide to. It's crazy to read something that is so me, reading this is like the person was sitting talking to me taking notes. I guess mine has changed, which im not sure its normal, but maybe it is--last time I took this test I was 'The Healer' and now I'm 'The Protector' its strange cuz I borderlined on 'Judge vs Perceiver' and I also borderlined on the 'Extravert and Introvert' this time though this personality is accurate as well haha: I am an isfj going through trauma and mourning.

    All comments are moderated. Spammers will be fried and served on toast. Skip to main content. Primary tabs Overview Careers Relationships active tab Resources. How do ISFJs communicate?

    MBTI ISFJ Dating and Intimacy

    What are ISFJs like as partners? What are ISFJs like as parents?

    ISFJ Relationships

    Please Understand Me II. Intriguing Differences People of the following types are likely to strike the ISFJ as similar in character, but with some key differences which may make them seem especially intriguing. Potential Complements ISFJs may not feel an immediate connection with people of the following types, but on getting to know each other, they'll likely find they have some important things in common, as well as some things to teach one other.

    Challenging Opposites People of the following types present the most potential for personality clash and conflict with the ISFJ, but also the best opportunities for growth.

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    Prairie Meyer-Hesler not verified says Guest not verified says I've always been into journalism. Autumn not verified says Lawson not verified says KibbeIntp not verified says Chowznbeautie not verified says Yep, this is exactly me Here the keywords are Introversion, Sensing, Feeling and Judging which make for partners who are caring, sensitive and loyal even though sometimes they may seem overly concerned with details.

    Here are a few things to keep in mind when dating an IFSJ type. Read this book which has questions you can ask your partner. Know your partner's secret desires and hidden fears with this book! While making decisions, an ISTJ personality is likely to put more emphasis on objective principles and impersonal facts whereas an ISFJ personality would lay greater store by the feelings and concerns of the people involved.

    So if you are interested in impressing a guy or girl of this personality type, make sure you are careful of their feelings. Treat them with as much love, tenderness and respect as you can. Always be emotionally available like sharing in their joy when they have achieved something or offering a supportive shoulder when they are feeling blue. If you do on any occasion come off as insensitive, brash or uncaring, it might be quite some time again you may be allowed into their world again.