Can you hook up while on your period

Sometimes the last thing you want to do is have sex on your period, but it's still Hooking Up If you want to feel close with your partner, but aren't comfortable taking off your clothes during that time of the month, then you can snuggle up on .
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Period Sex on the First Date: Do You Consider it Taboo? - HelloFlo

You might like it—a lot Arousal is different for every woman, and some may be too distracted by their period and its annoyances to actually get in the mood for sex. But for others, menstruation could actually be a turn-on of sorts.

  1. Why you should NEVER be embarrassed about getting your period during sex!
  2. Why you should NEVER be embarrassed about getting your period during sex - HelloGiggles.
  3. How do you tell a guy you have your period before having sex?.

Plus, your flow can serve as extra lubrication during sex, which can also increase pleasure. If you typically use a store-bought lubricant to help with dryness during sex, this may be your week to go natural. And some research suggests that orgasms can even relieve menstrual cramping and PMS. Every couple is different, and some people will be more open to it than others. You can minimize the mess Wearing a menstrual cup or a female condom can help reduce the amount of blood that might come out during intercourse, Ford says. But remember, that's not all men.

Some enjoy having intercourse with a woman while she is menstruating; when it reaches a fetish level, it's known as menophilia, explains Cooper.

Period Sex on the First Date: Do You Consider it Taboo?

The reasons for why vary, but some men and women claim it's because the blood offers more lubrication and makes intercourse more comfortable, she adds. Regardless, the point is this: If one partner shot you down in the past, that doesn't mean your current one will. You're not spewing gallons of blood. A lot of people actually think that having sex on your period is obscenely messy, and conjure images of destroyed sheets and blood-spattered floors. But that's not even remotely realistic, says Skyler. It's only a few teaspoons! So, big sigh of relief, everyone—the mess can be contained.

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  6. The Lesson Everyone Needs to Learn from the Guy Who Ate Me Out During My Period!

It can relieve PMS symptoms. Research has also shown that sexual activity can ease pain for those suffering from migraines or cluster headaches. But remember, not all women orgasm through vaginal intercourse—only 25 percent can, actually, and most need clitoral stimulation to take them across the finish line, says Skyler.

Try a couples vibrator, like this hands-free one from Dame —it's designed for use during penetrative sex and hones in on your vulva so you get the exact sensory boost necessary to reach the big O. Seventy percent of people have a conversation with their partner before having period sex, according to the FLEX survey, and Cooper says that's a smart strategy, so long as you set ground rules before you fess up. From there, she suggests opening the conversation by talking about fantasies in general. You can articulate what you already love about your sexual repertoire, as "beginning with positive reinforcement warms your partner up to discussing the topic," before segueing into your exploration.

Make it clear why you want to try it with your partner in particular, rather than someone random. It's simple, yes, but it allows your partner to feel special, which she says can make them more receptive to your idea.


After you've put the thought out there, let them steer the conversation. If your partner seems hesitant, Skyler suggests asking them to explain why in a non-confrontational manner , or to try to pinpoint what feels scary. That way, you can "deconstruct the fear and see if there might be more willingness underneath," she says.

At What Point Mid Hook-Up Should I Tell a Bro I Have My Period? Ask a Pro

If it's a hard pass though, then Cooper and Skyler both say it's best to back off. And if that's the case, you can always turn to self-pleasure tactics. What is everyone so afraid of? Women should be allowed to receive pleasure while they are on their periods.

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Period culture revolves so much about shaming women, when we should be the ones who are already suffering. It completely acceptable to want oral on your period because that is the time when you probably need it most. I am a fourth year English major at Cal Poly. I love petting all the dogs I walk by and asking people weird questions ex.

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