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Our experts accompany you from the planning throughout the offer to the construction. Multi walls are for all workplaces and work situations also suitable for the production. The multi walls offer individual design options.

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In many workplace systems profiles are already integrated, because they are constructed to a modular form. All workplace systems can be combined together. In this way entire production chains can be created, and always with appropriate equipment. The slotted and perforated profiles of the multi walls are welded and strengthened. The standard dimensions are: Of course the panels and profiles as well as our case- and corner workbenches are powder-coated with a non-poisonous coating method. All extensions and the broad accessory assortment are available in the common RAL-colours.

The multi walls offer for every application the right solution. In conjunction with the surface frame lightning and equipment rails are no problem and ensure the necessary ergonomics at workplace. Also an energy supply with power and compressed air is possible in the energy bar. In this way each workplace is equipped self-sufficiently and can be upgraded any time. They build the basis in every workshop or hobby room. A workplace system is a work table with special devices for industry or trade. The range of functions of a workplace system was increased since the invention and also the specialisation of the different areas has been multiplied enormously.

So the requirements to the workplace systems of a jeweller are fairly differentiated in comparison to the ones of the automobile workshops.

A workplace system in the production has different requirements as the ones in a trade workshop. Therefore the customer shall be aware of the individual requirements and needs of the workplace system and take it into account during the purchase decision before choosing the right workplace system. Also it is decisive with which tools you want to work mainly or which field comes into question. As the processing of the work pieces can speed up the wear of the workplace system. If you work frequently with welding machines a purchase of a work place system with a coated work top fireproof is worth it.

Another important criterion is the space requirement and planning of a combination of a work place system. If some operations have to be done in different areas the efficiency of your work can be affected enormously if you have to walk long distances to your next work station.

In order to guarantee a fast workflow it is advised to buy a mobile workplace system. In this way unnecessary ways can be saved.

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The processing time decreases and the efficiency of the work increases. An integrated drawer block system in your workplace system is useful in some areas for the storage of tools. The height of the work place system is playing a big role for the work comfort and the ergonomics on the work place.

If you have mainly time-consuming and precise work it is advised to buy lower workplace systems. In order to guarantee the flexibility work place systems are height-adjustable, manual or electric. Also the workplace systems are constructed modular and are free combinable. So nothing stands in the way for big operation planning. Werkbankkombinationen werden auch unter dem Begriff Arbeitsplatzsysteme gefunden. The decision for the appropriate workplace system is often not possible without sufficient experience. Whether personally, locally of by telephone. Here no open questions remain.

Equip your workshop with the appropriate workplace systems and enjoy the advantages we offer you. Whether you are searching for a workplace system a worktable of office furniture here you will find everything for companies, for offices or workshop equipment. Characteristics of the model series Hydline heavy duty tables.

Workplace systems with mobile combinations Only in conjunction with mobile logistic systems the efficiency absolute optimal. Characteristics of multi walls and attachments Multi walls are for all workplaces and work situations also suitable for the production. Workplace systems as a basic in every workshop They build the basis in every workshop or hobby room.

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