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If it's popular or successful and when I say successful we talk about a higher match rate, then it's an event we keep on running. One of our really popular events is Asian women speed dating. It has a very high match rate so we ran an event last night that had percent match rate, meaning that every person who came met at least one person that they matched with.

Ladies if you can please spread yourselves around the room at one of the tables and we'll get going. Nothing against the blonde haired, blue eyed girls but Asian ladies definitely look after the partner, yeah, and very easy to get along with. I guess Asian women might be a little more open to try new things. Just things out of the ordinary, I guess, like hobbies like car racing, and stuff like that.

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If I want to get married to someone, I don't want to only marry them for their good looks only. If we have nothing in common, it's going to be like flat line. Asian girls like a guy that doesn't flirt with everybody but they just find the one they like and settle down rather than Caucasian, which tend to be a little bit more player-like.

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I guess that's - yeah, I think that's the stigma. It was just the car racing, he was open to try new things like car racing. It wasn't what I was thinking.


No, I don't think it was what anyone here was thinking really, but what did everybody make of that? I mean of that whole idea, I mean it's a popular event for Shaun. It clearly perpetuates those stereotypes that we were talking about, about Asian women being maybe sometimes a bit more docile or that they are supposedly, you know, well I think our friend here said more attentive to the man and will be at the man's beck and call rather than somebody that's more assertive. I think it's a stereotype. | Free Dating. It's Fun. And it Works.

I've got Asian friends, I don't think that they're necessarily all like that - I think it's a personality issue. To an extent it is, but as far as Asian women being docile, I'm sorry to disappoint you, they're not docile, they're not docile. Okay, I wonder, Juliana, have you met men who you feel like you just because you're Asian in that sense, have you had that experience? Totally, yeah, I think for like Europeans, they're so crazy about Asian women, like they have this thing called yellow fever, I think everyone knows that.

We heard that term a lot in research that showed, yeah, we heard about other types of fever too I have to say, a lot of fever going down. Shaun, I mean when you say that an event is focused on Asian women, do you find men are looking for predominantly a particular nationality? Is there one nationality that's more popular than others? No, no, I don't think there is. I think people have an internal check list, if you like, and so race specific events such as Asian women or such as European men, which is another event that we do, people come into that with one thing already ticked off their list.

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So the eight minutes that you have with each person then perhaps you can focus on other things which perhaps might be why there's such a high match rate, as opposed to some broader events that we put on. We haven't been approached about Asian men events, we haven't been approached about European women events.

Katherine, you provide a match making service too. Who are the majority of your clients and what they are looking for? So what's the bulk of that business, does any one particular cross cultural pairing stand out? To me, I'm professional match maker for 25 years, I have interviewed about more than 20, individuals, so majority of the Caucasian men came to me, the physical attraction is coming first.

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Then they develop the interest into the personality. So what is it about the physical attraction, do they say what it is? Yes, majority, majority of Asian woman appeal to be petite and they particularly like the petite type figure or physical attributes, if you call, and the dark complexion and hair and the way they present themselves. They take a pride in their looks. Apart from the physical attraction they think Asian women are friendly, they're more approachable, they're gentle, they attracted to their mentality, attitude, outlook on life, and they're appearing to be more family orientate in lots of ways.

And what, so that's what the men are looking for.


What are the women looking for? Women, blue eyes, blond hair, strong, tall body so there's lots of Asian women are attracted, physically attracted to the Caucasian men. That's why I fall in love with him. I say you're so lucky, you have a full set of beautiful hair, that's what I fall in love with.

And are there any groups that you don't deal with or won't deal with in your business? Yes, lots of Caucasian men want very young age of Asian ladies. So one guy particularly, it's very funny, so he's 68 or something, he wants someone I said tell me why you think this lady would like to go on date with you.

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He says someone else can do it. I don't know if I should mention the name, someone famous, right? The Australian media guru married a very, very, very, very young woman lady. Anyway, he said if he can do it, why can't I? I says if you have what he has, I can give you what you want. So he said well, you can't help me so I said obviously. So for the people they don't look themselves at reality, so I don't take them on. Okay, and what about if people come to you and they say that they want something in a person that you find distasteful, how do you deal with that?

I hardly come across someone really, really bad. But I'm here to help genuine singles, Australian and Asian singles, find their true love. So I'm sure they get the message. Jennifer, I know that you've looked at preferences with on-line dating does race come into that and if it does, what's the hierarchy? Yes, well we find that race is actually a primary deciding factor. We find that when people send an initial message to another dater, homophily is what social scientists call the trend and that is people tend to contact people who look just like themselves in terms of race.

So that is the most common.

White daters contact white daters, it's true across sexual preference as well. But when people have the opportunity to respond to groups of people who have contacted them, what we find is that there is a racial hierarchy. So men of all races are about equally likely to respond to women, Asian women, Latino women, I'm talking about heterosexuals right now, and white women. However, unfortunately, there tends to be less of response rates to African American daters who contact them.

So African American women seem to be very marginalised on the on-line dating market. With women it's very interesting.

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  • So women tend to respond first and foremost only to white men and this is true regardless of race, of the woman's racial identity. So white women respond primarily to white men and we also find that African American women, Asian women and Latino women also respond primarily to white men first. Okay, so is there any explanation, do you have an explanation for why that hierarchy is as you describe it in America? We can speculate that men, male daters tend to be more racially open generally, but what I do have to say, however, there are more men than are there women on these websites and men are much more likely to send messages and to respond to messages than women are.

    So some have argued, well it's not necessarily that men are more racially open, it's that they have less of a market to interact with. What about gays then in terms of their preferences and their choices because there's a smaller pool to start with in terms of, in terms of choice? Yeah, that's exactly right and because the US census just started collecting information on gay and lesbian cohabitation, and it looks like gays and lesbians have higher rates of interracial unions and the argument is that okay, is it that gays and lesbians have more, are more racially open than straights?

    Or is it exactly as you just said, a thinner dating market, you know, less of a choice. We find again a very gendered effect.