How can i stop dating

Think about how long you've been dating work out that the longer you've been dating someone, the more you owe them a proper break-up.
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You can probably see where this is going. I had three days to exit the apartment. He never called the landlord about his shit-covered bathroom. The man who claimed to love me more than anything left me to live in an apartment overflowing with human shit for almost a week. And lied to me about it.


He knowingly left me in an apartment filled with human shit and told me he had done what he could to fix it, when in fact he had done nothing. But thankfully, this was the last straw. She recommended that I take three months off from dating. That I do not jump into anything too quickly—or anything at all—until I shifted some of my patterns and ways of thinking. I went out almost every night with friends. I went on a road trip with my mom through the Southwest.

I focused on becoming more self-aware and intentional about my life and my actions. Why did I believe this man was the love of my life? Because he told me he was? Why did I stay with someone that gaslighted me almost every day? Fear of being alone. A love of homemade pasta.

Turns out this self-awareness shit works. Ladies, MANifesting is real! Nothing terrifies me more than being so close to someone and then watching them become a stranger again. Sign up for the Thought Catalog Weekly and get the best stories from the week to your inbox every Friday. Generally, relationships work more efficiently when both people have a life outside of their relationship - which means activities they are involved with that bring them fulfillment beyond a romantic partner.

That way, not all the self-esteem eggs are nestled in the hands of only one person. Another plus to having outside interests beyond dating is that if the relationship doesn't work out, at least there is something to fall back on, so you don't go completely off the rails after a break-up. But are you really listening to them? This may sound harsh - and yes - there are many reasons as to why people break up and it may also be a mutual thing.

Here Is How You Stop Dating Assholes And Start Finding Your Forever Person

But if you've been dumped more than twice in a row and you never saw it coming, it's time to check yourself. This doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with you, but it may be a good opportunity to re-evaluate how you're behaving in your relationships. A lot of us cruise around through life on automatic pilot, and we're not always in tune with other people's feelings. You may feel that you're doing all the right things, saying all the right things, and giving plenty of yourself to a person.

The art of a relationship includes the ability to listen. Not just hearing what someone says to you and taking from it what you want, but the actual work of listening to what someone says without turning it into something about yourself.

Food is Medicine

This is a common problem with all of us. We hear what we want, take from it what we want, and close the book. Many times, we don't understand the intent behind the words. For instance, just for fun, let's say you're a woman and you're dating a man you really like, and he says to you, "Well if things got serious between us, I could definitely see myself relocating. What a woman may hear is "I will change my life for you and move wherever you are.

He said "if things get serious," meaning, if we could let the relationship progress a little bit more then maybe a discussion about moving could be in the future. Getting ahead of ourselves by not actually listening can equal dating disasters and also end up with the unfortunate scenario of getting dumped.

Many of us go into the dating world with preconceived notions of what we want in a partner, and we are so busy ticking things off our mental list as the other person speaks, that we're not even paying attention to them when they attempt to express who they really are. The idea of dating is to screen for a new partner, hopefully, a long lasting one. If you're in the market for someone to call, text, and be with you, then you'll have to make room.


In this day and age with social media platforms, bloggers, and vloggers, it's easy to get caught up in the "me" mentality. We are all selfish to some degree, but when in a relationship, it's best to practice considering another person as well. As much as you want your partner to bring all good things to the table, they are wanting the same thing from you.

Think about what you bring to a relationship, both positive attributes, and flawed ones. Are you a good listener? Do you have a bad temper?

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Do you want children? Do you already have children? And the list goes on. If you are only interested in a potential mate providing things like gifts, compliments, or security, then you'd better sit out a few more dating rounds until you wise up. If everything is always about you, in the end, that may be all that's left. Mind you, it's not easy, especially if you've been single for a long time and if you are older. The more used to being alone and independent you are, the harder it becomes to accommodate to the needs of others.

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It takes practice, time, and effort. Hopefully, if you do struggle with these relationship challenges, you'll find a partner that's accepting and patient enough to help you while you evolve your behavior. There are many great things about finding a suitable partner and being in a relationship. But there are also many great things about exploring yourself, traveling, and growing before you get into a relationship.

The more life experience, wisdom and consideration you develop, the better many of us can be as someone's partner. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I actually do not care for multi dating. I much prefer being with a female I have come to really care about. Where I can show how I care with small, every day things that make her know how I feel. Saying I love you does not hurt either. With the terrible things reported these days It might be a better idea to wait a while before even considering a date.

Certainly having a relationship that may involve sex could be the passion from hell that could haunt you for the rest of your life, Leaving yourself open to a rape charge can sure take the fun out of a romp in the hay.

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It sure isn't worth it. Yes, and especially in the age of dating apps! I feel for you and I hope you are able to have a great dating experience sometime in the future: Deep down they HATE the dating process! Probably part of it, I've been on to few dates for it to be anything pleasant for me and it's an expense I really couldn't afford in my 20's. Asking women out for me is less pleasant then getting a tooth drilled so I've avoided that as well.

4 Rational Reasons Why You Should Stop Dating Right Now | PairedLife

Wonderful and very well written hub! One thing that you did not include is evaluating your other relationships in life like family and friends. If your holding anger or baggage this must be resolved before getting involved with anyone. Thank you for writing this unique topic. Have a Merry Christmas. I learned the hard way with this, and even put myself on a 2 year "dating freeze" to pull myself together.

In the end, it worked for me, and I'm glad I learned these lessons. I hope it helps even a few people out there who are struggling If someone's goal is to have fun going out to nightclubs, concerts, plays, festivals, restaurants, movies, the beach and get laid occasionally there's nothing wrong with casual dating. The trick is not getting emotionally invested with any one person by avoiding spending too much time with them. This is ideal for someone who just got out of a long-term relationship or divorce or possibly has other top priorities such as completing a degree program or establishing a business.

Just because you're focused on your goals doesn't mean you have to become a nun or a monk. Casual dating can be a healthy release. Naturally it's ideal to let the other person know your intentions upfront. Dating for long-term relationship or marriage is the real challenge for most people. More often than not they want to "fast forward" through the "getting to know you" aspects and settle into a commitment. This usually causes people to emotionally invest too soon without truly knowing the person, make assumptions they're "exclusive" without having a discussion, or turn dates into rapid fire interviews designed to exclude people as soon as possible.

For these people having "fun" is a "waste of time"! Ironically if both people don't have a great time on a "first date" it's unlikely there will be a second date! As you noted until one figures out what they are doing wrong it makes no sense to continue dating unless they enjoy being frustrated. If you're having one bad dating experience after another it's probably time to re-examine your "mate selection criteria".

Until one figures out who they are and what they want and need in a mate they're likely to allow "impulsive connections" and "happenstance" to dictate their relationship choices.