Dating 3rd cousin once removed

Why not marry your 3rd or 4th cousin? A third cousin is a person who shares a great-great-grandparent. . Can you marry your third cousin once removed?.
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I saw this programme where couples found out they're actually related.

Acceptable to date your third cousin? | Page 3 |

BTW I'm happy with it.. It's just the genetic part that worries me. Oh and I'm worried if some distant family members get a bit personal about it. I know that third cousins are not close related or by blood, but just to assure you. Are you sure that you want to delete this answer? Is that even a real relation? Everyone in this world is separated by at least six degrees of separation It's ok in the UK. With ANY kind of relationship between family members that's legal you need to keep your mouth shut and tell no one because people are VERY judgmental on this subject.

World cousin marriage laws. If it makes you happy go for it. Related Questions Is it OK to date your third cousin first removed? Is it ok to date your 3rd cousin once remove? My best friend is thinking of dating my cousin? Is he my second or third cousin? Answer Questions I caught my brothers bf talking to my brother and I got so angry cause my bro is dating my ex.

It sounds like you have put some thought into this, so stay on track, and let it play out slowly. If you two are around each other with family, don't be overly forward, or awkward either. They can read you better than you can. They will pick up on things you don't realize they are picking up on. Just act like good friends, who genuinely enjoy each others company. At this young age, that is what you want to do anyhow. Maybe just quietly set and play some vidya or something, and leave it at innocent paling around.

All eyes will be on you, so tread lightly in as mature a manner as you can. It will help built the rapport you will need in the future. I say go for it!!! If you finally found someone who cares about you as much as you care about them then why should you let anything get in the way of that. I believe in God and I believe that everything happens for a reason. You cant help who your attracted to.

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As for your parents I too am in the same situation as you and I am very much in love with my cousin and we want to be together. Once you both turn 18 you can find somewhere to live together and your parents can't stop you because you guys are already legal adults. The point is life is short so you should hold on to the things that make you happy.

Hopefully your parents will accept you guys one day. I am dating my 3rd cousin and my family is fine with it. And his is to. But what they dont know is I am pregnant with his child. But we love eachother very much and i am happy to have a child with him.

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I'm dating my third cousins also. But people also came to realize that I don't care what they say so they just stop talking about it. I don't care what people think about me. They can do or say whatever they want. Because I love him so much.

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So go on with your life. That's all that matters. Ok so I have a friend who asked me for help. She wants to know if it's ok to date third cousins. The guy is her dads cousin, cousins son. I have a sister who is going out with our 3rd cousin We heard one of my teachers say it would be better for you too be 4th cousins.. Because you are down the line more Does it really matter? You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. Already have an account?

Posted February 18, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. TripleL, First off, God doesn't disapprove of first cousins, and actually insisted on it on several occasions. I agree with everything Hawk has told you! He's wise, listen to him.

The question upper most in my mind is, and this is not to belittle you, how did you determine that you are 3rd cousins? The reason that I ask is that many that come here are a little fuzzy on how to determine the degree of cousin-ness. I was just curious. If he's your dad's cousin's son, that would make him your second cousin.

Is it OK to date your third cousin once removed?

Your dad's first cousin is actually your first cousin once removed. Posted February 19, Triplet, cousinsinlove7 is correct he is your second cousin. And you are right, it doesn't matter which cousin he is. I am married to my second cousin. It is legal just about anywhere. TripleL, Wise Roma is wise, and quite perceptive herself. Posted December 19, Posted December 20, How old are you and your third cousin Kaitlin? Posted December 24, Posted December 31, Posted June 25, You need to start your own thread - look at the dates of these other postings.

Posted November 1, Posted November 14, Posted October 13,