T54 mod 1 matchmaking

I would be interested to know if there is any plans to buff in some way the T54 MOD 1 Armor buffs aren't going to help it in the current meta. its got a solid turret decent mobility and a good gun with depression.
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Added to first post. DerpyMcderp 5 Posted 04 December - From my experience, this thing has some stupid hull armour, I mean on days this "medium" tank will bounce bloody MC2 AP rounds too much for my liking. Idk maybe I'm being trolled by the hand of Stalin himself but I think it's a bit too powerful as a premium tank.

T54 MOD 1 Premium Vehicle

The only reason that you lost GordonRamsay 6 Posted 04 December - I got scammed by WG. Wth penetration against T Lol people saying it's underpowered. Get hull down in a tier 9 battle and hold the line better than any other tier 8 med. Siko 10 Posted 05 December - Lol you millennials are all the same.

You think it's my job to show you stats gameplay footage and armor values. Go find out for yourself.

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I don't give a shit about you nor do I care what you think or how you feel. Figure it out or don't or fall off a bridge. Is anyone who disagrees with you a millennial? Or is that just your way of saying "get off my lawn"? Speaking of looking shit up, the one you called a pleb helpfully has their in game name in their flair so you can see just how accurate your statement is. Nope just arch type typical millennials. Why are you still on this. Thought I told you don't care. Because I find it I find amusing that you keep yelling "I don't care" every time someone responds to you.

And if you are playing Russian mediums, it's a very good crew trainer. And with a good crew, the T FP is really good. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Log in or sign up in seconds.

T first prototype - Global wiki. glohi.xsrv.jp

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WorldofTanks submitted 11 months ago by hey i make videos too DatBoyGuru. I was considering the trade in. I have a spare WZ i could trade in and top up Want to add to the discussion? It's lacking in top speed, but if it didn't, it would be straight up OP. For me fine is 2. Here's my take on the pros and cons: Superb turret protection Excellent acceleration Excellent aim time 2.

The more content, the better, for the community. I guess people are too busy circlejerking about bad aspects of this game. People complain about Tiger 2's roof a lot. I should say "better DPM than it's peers". It never sees Tier X. It doesn't feel like moving a heavy tank anymore. With a good crew and equipment, it's very agile. Engine power from to Power to weight ratio from I might try it again then. I would be interested to know if there is any plans to buff in some way the T54 MOD I have been playing for a few years, but not too long, and I have enjoyed this tank up until about the last year or so, it seems completely subpar compared to every other vehicle it also seems the new matchmaking only gives tier 10 matches which it never did well with in the first place, its mobility and gun are not good, and the armor doesn't stand up to much past tier 7 anymore with the new meta of tanks.

Sort of a gripe, but just interested on the communities and hopefully WG's thoughts. Believe it's getting armor buffs in 9.

T-54 Prototype

Armor buffs aren't going to help it in the current meta. Dirizon 4 Posted Jul 24 - Just give it stalinium turret meanwhile my kr still sucks in every way.

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  3. How is the New T mod 1 ?? : WorldofTanks;
  4. T54 MOD 1 Premium Vehicle - General Discussion - World of Tanks official forum;
  5. T Prototype - Soviet Tanks - World of Tanks Blitz official forum;

Painbringer71 7 Posted Jul 24 - Armor is the least of its problems Followed by the slow walk to walk to jog to run to sprint speed it has. The armor is about the only thing good about it so I really do not see a buff needed in that.