Hook up soundbar to receiver

I just purchased a new Samsung HW-K soundbar and can't seem Forum; Solvedhook up soundbar to desktop pc to receiver to tv Forum.
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I can either listen to the BluRay speakers or the Soundbar.

connect my soundbar to my receiver

Not both at the same time. What do I need to do in order to listen to both the Soundbar and the Home Theater System at the same time through any of my devices? Perhaps you could clarify the reasoning for the setup you proposed. This is great information, thank you! I really love the Soundbar and I am not looking to hook up additional speakers, etc.

Connecting Devices through Your Television

How would I connect the three so I can get my sound through the soundbar all the time regardless of what input or devices I am using Roku vs cable? Am I thinking crazy? Does this sound possible? We would need to know a bit more information about the set up to the receiver, and what type of receiver the customer has.

However, usually it would not make sense for the customer to buy a sound bar when they already have a 5. Realistically, they would be able to adjust the sound settings on the receiver for each component ie. TV cable box, Blu-ray player.. Trouble is, the TV has only two settings: TV itself, and external.

The receiver is a Pioneer from years back. I have a wireless crystal sound surround model HW -C with sub woofer both purchased at same time. It was working great until my satellite reciever model DSR died so I brought the identical one same model same age from another TV connecting it exactly the same. What no one can answer is why no sound on sound bar or TV but picture???

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Other is why does my satellite receiver shut off on its own along with sound bar??? It never did that before.

How To Set Up a Home Theater System Using a Receiver

I want to use my satellite remote to get satillite signal and My TV remote only to power up the TV and use my small Samsung remote to turn on power bar. Thanks in advance for all those who want and can answe my question. However, the reason the sound bar may also shut off is possibly because the satellite remote may be connected to the sound bar through set up?

Also, the reason that the sound bar may not be providing sound is possibly related to the input settings on the sound bar? You should reach out to the service provide of your satellite signal shaw? You could also request a home visit from Geek Squad: Home membership covers every device in your home. Can you hook the receiver to a bluetooth transmitter and send the signal to your Sound bar?

Can I just buy any sumsung wireless subwoofer and connect it to the soundbar? Or it has to be the same HW-jr subwoofer? Another reason for thinking in a sound bar is the wireless subwoofer. The receiver is connected to speakers in other rooms of the house. Hi I want to use my Samsung soundbar as a speaker independently of the tv through my iPad using Bluetooth? Can I do that? Without connecting it to my tv at all? Note that you will need to have the iPad within line of sight to the Bluetooth receiver, and within 30ft.

Ideally for best sound quality, a direct connection from the iPad to the soundbar will be the best recommendation. Hi Thanks for the information. Now I want to add the soundbar of JBL to this setup. As per your suggestion can i hook the soundbar with AV Receiver via Optical cable? This will allow the TV to receive audio information, and send it back to the soundbar via the ARC Audio return Channel , You can then connect the Boston Acoustics A26 to the rear surround speaker output of the receiver.

You will need to configure the HK receiver speaker outputs appropriately, noting that the Front speaker output cannot be turned off, you can turn off the center speaker output, since the soundbar will be connectedand will operate as a stereo unit for Front Left and Right. This setup will not provide proper surround sound, because the receiver does not have dedicated pre-amp audio output, such as the Denon AVR-X http: Thank you so much Elliot,sorry for the delay to answer. My Requirement is Simple. So my question is how the Connections will be like.

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Please help me out as I am on verge of Tearing my hairs out. What I see is you can operate them seperatly with Receiver connected to TV using Optical and Soundbar using ARC or vice versa which defeats the purpose of using the two simultaneously. I upgrade the , and want to put the avr in the garage.

Please help me out in getting this sorted as connecting them separately will defeat the purpose.

connect my soundbar to my receiver - [Solved] - Home Audio

If your analysis the same for 5. Would running the signal through a receiver chop off the surround content? Do you need a special receiver? Is there enough connections? Are there passive soundbars for surround? Receive news updates via email from this site. Baby Everything you wanted to know about double strollers. Lindsay Syrett — January 17, PC Gaming Best budget gaming laptops.

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  • Soundbar won't work with receiver. [Solved] - TV - Audio.
  • Help with connecting sound bar to receiver?.

Decades and Chimparty review. Hurtlock3r September 12, 6: I just purchased a new Samsung HW-K soundbar and can't seem to get audio out of it when using my pioneer receiver. Pioneer VSX The connection: I have an optical cable going from the TV to the SoundBar. I have my cable box connected to the HDMI 1 in the receiver. Any help will be highly appreciated.

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  7. Can a Soundbar work with a Receiver?.
  8. Here is a link showing the setup. The issue is if i plug the optical cable from the TV to Receiver then i can't use it for the SoundBar. Thats very odd, that should work. I have a similar setup as well because of ARC issues as well. Anyway you can check on the integrity of the optical cable?