Doc love dating profile

When doc love talks about online dating he says, get the number (house # preferred), get a current picture and take the ladies out as soon as.
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Doc has sent me a free copy for review, let me tell you, it is an eye-opener! For instance, if a woman has high Interest Level in you, she will be more affectionate, nag you less, be more open and flexible, always manages to find a way to be with you and never breaks dates regardless of how difficult her circumstances are, has a good attitude just about all of the time, and is generally positive, happy and supportive of you.

If a woman has low Interest Level in you, she will tend to cancel dates with you, will nag you or criticize you, will not be affectionate towards you, and will tend to be moody and distant.


The System will also teach you how to filter out the bad women that unfortunately pollute the dating pool. What should I do if she calls me back? DO NOT contact her again.

It was a good move putting the ball in HER court as far as rescheduling isn't it funny how she just called you, but now all of a sudden can't answer her phone? I also like how you said 'we can TRY and reschedule'. I hope that was intentional on your part. In the event that she calls you again and I don't think she will , there are two schools of thought as to how to handle it.

One approach would be to give her the benefit of the doubt and reschedule.

Perhaps something really DID come up 45 minutes before you were supposed to meet mind you, in seven years working as an attorney, I never had to cancel plans. However, if you are considering this option, make sure you gauge her tone when she ends up calling you. First off, does she actually CALL you, or does she send a text or an email? Does she apologize again for canceling on you with such short notice?

DocLove Archive

Does she offer to buy the first round of drinks? Or does she act as if what she did was perfectly normal, and wait for you to ask her out again? Either way, if you DO end up rescheduling, keep the fact that she cancelled on you in the back of your head, and keep your eyes open for any other possible red flags. Am I going too fast for you guys? When it comes to dating, if I make plans with a woman to be somewhere at a certain time, I show up. If I get another offer for plans that night, I decline.

One of the most important premises that Doc Love discusses when he writes about relationships with women is the idea of being a challenge. That makes a lot of sense, especially since a lot of guys who have trouble with dating spend way too much time being pathetic and fawning over the object of their desires.

This post mostly addresses instant messaging, and the thinking behind it probably also applies to texting. They want their home phone back.

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This makes sense, but I think it might be a little bit too strict. I asked her out via text, she answered via text, and we went out in person and had a great time. We saw each other multiple times, too. His game plan for meeting women this way is to focus on your goal of getting a 45 minute coffee date with her. In your second paragraph, keep on keeping it light.

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